Readymix Concrete Collection From Whetstone Concrete Plant in Leicester

Specialist Concrete at Maxi Readymix …

Here at Maxi Ready-mix Concrete we appreciate that no two projects are the same and that different projects often require different types of concrete.

This is why we have come up with a wide range of ready-mix solutions suitable for every requirement. Here is a brief run through of the different types of specialist concrete we offer and what projects they are best suited for …

Cobble Effect Stable Floor

Maxi Bespoke:

MaxiBespoke is a super strength concrete with higher sulphate resistance suitable for warehouse floors with heavy foot traffic, agricultural applications, and foundry floors that need an early strength concrete solution. Read more.

Maxi Rapid:              

MaxiRapid is a fast setting product that is specially designed for areas that are expecting early traffic. It has a high early strength and is ideal for high traffic areas such as tunnels, yards and access roads.  Read more.

Maxi Fibre:

MaxiFibre concrete is enhanced with specially selected fibres produced at our state of the art batching plant. Key benefits of MaxiFibre include increased strength and surface durability as well as reduced laying time. We recommend using MaxiFibre for applications that need enhanced concrete performance and durability such as large scale industrial floors, suspended floors and architecturally sensitive buildings. Read more.

Maxi MicroSilica:

MaxiMicroSilica is a specially enhanced concrete that is designed for use in heavy industrial applications. There are various compression strengths available and the concrete has an improved impact and high abrasion resistance. MaxiMicroSilica is ideal for use loading bays, scrap yards and various aggressive industrial environments. Read more.

Maxi Pile:

MaxiPile concrete has been specifically designed for piling applications that require reduced segregation and bleeding, making it the ideal solution for structural foundations and ground stabilisation. MaxiPile concrete is easily pumped and has additional enhanced cohesion properties Read more.

Maxi Water:

Our MaxiWater solution is designed for use in applications that require watertight functionality. Typical uses for MaxiWater include the construction of basements, tunnels and water tanks. MaxiWater concrete has improved strength and durability as well as being fully water resistant. Read more.

Contact Maxi Ready-mix Concrete for more information …

For more information on any of the concrete solutions mentioned above or for assistance in how to order our ready-mix concrete, please get in touch by calling us on 0116 289 1234.